
Yes, we are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), Care Standards Inspectorate Wales (CSIW) and the (SCSWIS) Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland. This ensures that we only supply our clients with the highest quality agency workers at all times. All of our accreditations cover our national network of branches.

Yes. A member of Glen Caring will visit all new clients to draw up a holistic care plan and meet you to provide you with your individual service user guide.
If your condition changes we will review and evaluate your care package and make changes where necessary.
Firstly all carers are trained to the highest standard and will not proceed to work in the community until we feel they are competent to do so. We also carry out regular unannounced spot checks to ensure carers are following their policies and procedures. Furthermore we carry out regular monitoring visits and reviews with our clients to ensure they are happy with the service we provide. We undertake supervisions and appraisals at regular intervals and all carers have an individual annual training plan and annual health screening checks.
We aim to ensure continuity of care at all times but due to staff holidays, sickness and unexpected circumstances their may be times when you may see a new carer. This carer will be fully briefed and aware of your individual needs.
All of our clinical care packages are managed by a Registered Nurse who ensures that each service user’s care is regularly reviewed and managed effectively. Our Registered Nurses are also available to contact should you have any clinical concerns.
You are welcome to ring the area supervisor or the Glen Caring office with any feedback you wish to pass on. We appreciate all types of feedback to ensure we are constantly improving our services. Also monitoring and review visits will take place regularly and are a perfect way to gain face to face feedback.
Care We Offer
We are privileged to look after all kinds of people in all parts of our community.
You Decide
Our commitment is delivering the best care and attention is your guarantee that you & your family member will be well looked after.
Work For Us
Our continued growth and ongoing service diversification continues to create opportunities for caring individuals to join us.


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