I’m the GM here at Glen Caring and I’m very proud of the team. It’s a privilege to work with and learn from the different services and professionals.
I’ve been here for over 14 years now and I take full responsibility for how well our clients are looked after. My job isn’t hands on in terms of delivering care, but I make sure everything is in place so that our people can do their jobs and do them well. I make sure the right systems are in place, while overseeing policies, procedures, staff training, mentoring and supervision.
I came to Glen Caring from the service industry, so I’ve always had a real passion for helping people. Even more so since I started this job ‐ I’m really finding out how personally rewarding it is to look after people and to improve their quality of life.
Day to day, I run the Strabane office and everything that goes with that, including planning weekly rotas for carers and clients in Sion Mills, Donemana, Ballymagorry and Londonderry, both Cityside and Waterside.